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There are many similarities between Jesus and David. Yet there are differences concerning sinful behavior in David’s life. When looking at an imperfect type to a perfect figurelike Jesus Christ; all you can do is take from the things from the type which give the picture ofJesus. So to conclude all of David’s failures cannot be seen to represent a picture of Jesus.

One of the first similarities between Jesus and David is they both were born in Bethlehem. The scriptures prophesy the Messiah Jesus would be born in Bethlehem and the religious leaders confirmed this to Herod and the Wisemen. David came from small beginnings, he was chosen as a person who had no significance, because when Samuel was to anoint one ofJesse’s sons to be king, it was thought impossible God would chose David, so he was left out in the fields tending the sheep. Jesus was also of small beginning, lived in Nazareth, with all types of rabble-rousers, to where people thought, “How can anything good come out of Nazareth,” but He was chosen by God to be the king of Israel. David was a shepherd of sheep and Jesus was a shepherd of people.

David was a conqueror over Israel’s enemies. When Goliath was raging his proclamationfor Israel to send out their champion to fight him, not even the tallest Israelite would go out to fight this giant. King Saul was this man. Goliath had all of Israel including the king and prince Jonathan in fear. They all thought there was nobody valiant to defeat this giant. In human strength there was none able, so Jesse sends his son David to the battlefield to bring supplies to his brothers. When David arrives, he hears Goliath and then goes out and defeats this giant. Hedid not use man’s armor or a sword, but went out in the power of God. David took him downwith a rock, and slew Goliath with his own sword. Jesus also came in like manner. God the Father sent his Son Jesus into the battlefield, the world; he came to his brethren Israel, to liberate those who had no power to defeat the giant in their lives. The giant is Satan and the power of sinand death in a person’s life. Satan is the accuser of all mankind, all have sinned, and justice must be served for sin. Satan makes his proclamation and Jesus goes out defeat his enemy, not bymans power but by the power of God. God’s power was to pay the penalty by death on the cross,and his resurrection. Jesus is the rock who defeats our goliath, who keeps us from liberty. InJesus death; he killed Satan’s power. Through Jesus and him alone can anyone receive power to be a child of God, to have victory over sin and death to be resurrected unto eternal life.

David took in criminals and sinners into his fold, and some of them became his mighty men. Jesus also came to bring sinners to salvation and mighty men came of them. David’ lifewas threatened by King Saul and God provided a way out for him. Jesus also was pursued to be killed by Israel and was provided ways to escape until his time to surrender to die on the cross.

David brought victory and peace for his people. Jesus has brought victory and peace to all those who have placed their trust in him as their king. In the new heaven and earth, Jesus will bring peace for all his people. David when first became king; he was only king of those who accepted him as king which was the tribe of Judah. Jesus when he first became king, he did not have all the support of all the people, but those who have confessed him as savior, have confessed him their king. David waited seven years until all of Israel came to make him their king. When the end of the gentiles is complete, the seven year tribulation starts and then Jesus will come and be King of Kings and Lord of Lords of all tribes and tongues. David took Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel and the royal city. Jesus also shall make Jerusalem capital and the royal city, though this has not quite happened.

Two things I find interesting, one is when David was king, he had children who madehuge mistakes, and these issues tainted David’s kingdom. These sons proved themselves to beunworthy of David and never sat on a throne. Jesus kingdom also seems to have problems, for many who confess to be Christian have brought a bad report about Christ and people see the hypocrisy in the church. Any of those who are worthy of Christ shall sit on a throne. You canread them in David’s history, and the history of Jesus church throughout the ages and sometimes through the media of those ministries claiming to be of Jesus having fallen into sin. David had his mighty men, who were imperfect and once bad examples, but he had Joab who made his mistakes and David with patience keeps him as a leader. Jesus also has his imperfect saints, they still fight in the flesh and have made their mistakes, and Jesus is patient to perfect them in his kingdom. Jesus at the resurrection perfect his children.

One other thing is David was faithful to raise up a king who is wise and to place him on athrone in Israel in a time of peace. David’s son was also to bring proper judgment against thosewho were a hindrance to the kingdom. Jesus is also faithful to raise up not just one king, but many kings, who are wise and able to sit on thrones also in his kingdom. Jesus’ sons as kings shall sit on thrones judging the world to bring order to Jesus kingdom.

Now this is the biggest of similarities. It is commendable to any person who wants to please God. David had a heart after God. It means David panted after God’s own heart and wanted a heart like to Gods. David wanted to shepherd God’s people as God loves his people. Jesus has always had the heart of God, for he is the express image of God. He and the Father are one. If you have seen Jesus, you have seen the heart of the father. Jesus always did what was pleasing to the Father, always in obedience, and shall do all things as God the Father has done.

1. They both were born in Bethlehem; Ruth 4:22, 1 Samuel 16: Micah 5:2, Matthew 2;

2. He was taken from a lowly place; 1 Samuel16, Matthew 2, John 1:46; Isaiah 7:15; Isaiah 53:2;

3. They both are shepherds; 1 Samuel 16; John 10;

4. They both defeat the enemy, 1 Samuel 17; John 18-20; Ephesians 2:16, Colossians 1:20, 2:14; Romans 5

5. Both took in vagabonds, and sinners and had mighty men; 1 Samuel 23, 2 Samuel 23:1,2; Mark 2:17; Luke 5:8, Matthew 10;

6. Both were pursued to be killed.1 Samuel 19-24; Luke 4, John 8, 10:
7. Both brought victory to their people, and peace; 2 Samuel 7; John 14; Revelation 19-22 8. King of only a portion; 2 Samuel 2; John 1:12, Acts 17, 1 Timothy1, 6
9. seven years; 2 Samuel 5:5; Romans 11:25, Revelation 19-20

10. Both made Jerusalem their throne of official royal city; 2 Samuel 5; Revelation 19-22

11. Both had problems in their kingdoms; 2 Samuel 11-1 Kings 2; Acts 5, history of fallen Christians.

12. Both had a kingdom of imperfect people. 2 Samuel; Gospels, Acts, Galatians 2, Revelation 2, 3;

13. Both sent up thrones for their sons. 2 Kings 1-6; Matthew 19:28, Luke 19:12-27, revelation 20;

14. Both had a heart after God. 1 Samuel 16, 1 Kings 11:4; John 5, 10; Colossians 1, Philippians 2,


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