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Sent 11/20/23

also sent a copy and letter to Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (at bottom) and will send to others.


I find it interesting the date of notice was the arrival into my mail box, very peculiar how that can be done, unless done in advance. not that makes any difference, but I will answer your notice now. plus why did it take 2 years to contact me?

I ask a question. What is an idol? An idol is a lie from reality, truth, and to replace God. God’s righteousness is the standard and I can tell you there is nothing in this world I can take with me before God, accept truth, character standing on Gods righteousness and the righteousness Christ gave me because He paid my price for sin. Though God does forgive sin, He does hold me accountable to do what is right or I sin, James 4:17. When Christ comes into a persons life, He starts this process of building Christ character in the person, and learning through the scriptures, bowing to evil destroys, while standing for truth and righteousness even in death is the victory.

I have sent many letters of why I will not pay taxes to this Evil Government in the past, so I will not rewrite it again to you. I will tell you one thing, if you have children, you discipline them and even take their allowance way from them so they would do right. I am the adult, the parent, since this government is of, by and for the people, though you may say it is the peoples law, it would be if this gov’t voted according to the people, but really haven’t in 100 years, especially since the lie of the 16th Amendment with the promise income tax wouldn’t rise over 7% but by 1917 it was 77%. then FDR and his socialism of S.S.I.

So you now know I will not pay. I spent all tax money, I would have paid to this Gov’t, to organizations which fight to restore Constitutional Law. So I have no money for you.

I do believe in paying taxes as a good Christian but I also know how Evil uses the law against the people. Example: to force people to have to defend their rights, using lawsuits, while government uses peoples tax money to defend their lies, and it doesn’t matter if gov’t loses, the people lose time, money and breaks their will to fight. Plus Founders and Evil gov’t knows most people would rather suffer evil, rather than to correct it. So my final, I will not support EVIL or lawlessness, I will not support a stolen election which if it wasn’t, why wasn’t it proven secured or investigated.

I am a Citizen of the United States of America not a serf, slave or  servant, I am one of the people , of, by and for the people, gov’t is to secure the people rights according to the Constitution of the United States of America but this nation purposely hasn’t since early 20th century. I have always been honest in filing income tax forms and would never commit perjury, I could have hid thousands of dollars from IRS, but because of faith in God, I chose to stand against your Tyranny and Evil.

I wrote 3 times to all legislators,  last 3 presidents and once to all Supreme Court Justices of the continued crimes and violations of the United States Constitution, and why I wouldn’t pay taxes for EVIL.

I would gladly pay my taxes and back taxes, if the following was done.

-Balance the budget, pass 12 appropriation bills, start the process of paying back the National debt.

-Get rid of ACA law, which was found unconstitutional and Judge Roberts broke law to justify it. 70% of the people didn’t want it, and the gov’t overruled and manipulated to have it passed, because they knew the people would surrender and give it time and it will be accepted or precedence, no matter how unconstitutional it is. Like how Obama lied, like 16th Amendment, “keep doctor, plan and $2500 savings”.

then trying to force me to purchase Healthcare and steal from my neighbors through taxation. That is not freedom or Constitutional.

Plus “Shared Responsibility” is to say Gov’t theft, while saying I have to pay for healthcare for others, who are irresponsible

-DACA is unconstitutional and needs to be removed.

-Secure border,  stop paying for illegals free stuff, deport all illegals; stop the drugs and Fentanyl,

-stop child employment

-where are the 85,000 missing illegal children, lost during Biden administration

-stop the human trafficking, which the Biden Administration is supporting with catholic charities and other organizations

-Stop the lawless, stop no bail reform, and allowing criminals to walk out of courts to do another crime again.

-Stop the laws of allowing up to $1000 to steal.

-restore oil and gas national self sufficiency, lower the fees and decrease the regulations as during Trumps administration.

-stop the inflation, which most of the portion starts with oil and gas.

-Audit all federal workers, and leaders to verify and restore integrity of accountability.

-stop masking, which was a lie to people saying it would stop Covid virus.

-stop covid vaccines which kills, causing heart and blood vessel clotting.

-Obey constitution, stop the lawlessness.

-protect schools from terrorism

-reimplement Iran (terrorist supporters) sanctions and stop the $6B in Qatar for Iran.

-Stop sending money and fuel to Gaza, which only is used to serve Hamas and keeping generators going for Hamas to stay underground.

-Stop FBI using facebook and google to censor freedom of speech. Stop Biden from restoring Net Neutrality, which limits free speech.

-release all J6ers (accused insurrectionist) and demand cost of repairs for them who did damages, release all the videos and then prosecute Pelosi for not securing capitol and Congress insurrection court for false accusations.

-Stop the FBI and DOJ weaponizing against Trump, Pro-life and conservatives,

-Where is the prosecution for Hillary Clinton for destroying computer servers, cell phones, for having secret documents and 2012 Benghazi

-Where is the investigation of Hunter and Joe Bidens quid pro quo with China, Ukraine and Russia.

-Where is the truth of how 2 planes can take down 3 trade tower buildings, or even one.

-How about the lie of Y2K folly, spending tax dollars for all the new computers

-stop Climate change hysteria, which was global freezing during my school days, 50 years ago.

-Remove Kentanji Jackson Brown as Supreme Court Justice, since she cannot define a woman.

-prosecute Planned parenthood for selling aborted baby parts and remove federal funding to a charity,

  • stop George Soros evil with supporting candidates of lawlessness, such as D.A.’s and then siege his accounts and deport, or imprison.

Does anyone ever ask why, nations fall? They fall because it didn’t obey the natural laws of God’s gov’t. It rejected Natures God, rejecting all truth of reality and then became depraved and wicked in their thoughts, like climate change lies to accuse animals and ourselves as the reason for climate change, so we say we must depopulate, get rid of cattle which feeds man, and then we lower ourselves to eating bugs. We live this life of decadence, (moral decline) that we become the borrower, instead of the lender. Israel was a good example of rejecting God, as they went into the land named Israel, defeating the evil nations previous to them, prospered by living to God’s natural order and were blessed, so that other nations envied. But because Israel started living for self and pleasure, they became immoral, even to the same degree of depravity as the previous nations, as God sent them prophets to warn people, leaders and the religious leaders of their depravity. They believed resting on their idea of morality, “we are better than other nations”, God sent plagues, natural disasters, and then even a nation (Babylon) more evil than them, to destroy them (Israel 586B.C.). That was God’s love that Israel wasn’t destroyed completely like Babel, Sodom, and the Amorite nations.

As God told Cain, “if you do what is right, would you not be accepted, but SIN crouches at the door, waiting to devour you, but you must master over it. If we as a nation do not Repent, there will be no America.

Come with your guns IRS, since now I hear you are armed and Dangerous, You bring the threat. I will not bow, just as Daniel wouldn’t bow, so he was thrown into lions den. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego would rather go into the fire than bow to EVIL  So in agreement with Shadrach, Meshech and Abednego, I am not careful with my words, If God delivers or if not, I will not bow to this nations Evil. As William Wallace in the movie “BraveHeart” cried FREEDOM, so do I. But come after 8am, because people sleep in the building.

Why would the people in the Alamo hand over 50% of their ammo, to their own destruction?

Thank you, May God forgive you of your ignorance,

John Marcus.

To the Honorable Speaker of the House Mike Johnson.

Yet maybe not so honorable since, you believe grace is a license to sin. You made promise there would be 12 appropriation bills as the law states, but you chose the Continuing Resolution which has no budget cuts and continues Bidens lawlessness. I guess you believe it is right before God and His righteousness to break the law, to abuse His grace and even the people’s grace to have put you and others into office to represent them and have sane spending and balanced budgets. Have you been compromised to do evil, because you were manipulated like the tom cruise character in the “The Firm”? At least Tom Cruise fought against the firm, you didn’t put up a fight to bring sane spending to the nation

I send this letter to you as you are proof, I have reason why I shouldn’t pay taxes to a gov’t that doesn’t represent or serve the people. This nation has been a nation, of, by and for the people, but for the last 100+ years, as the people have been played with lies and false representatives or wolves in congressman suits. You have proven law doesn’t make a difference, even to Christians, and Mike Pence did the same, as he doesn’t know his Bible says, prove all things, and not to do right means to sin (James 4:17). Walking in the Spirit is our actions to live for God’s righteousness within us, as we walk with God we fulfill God’s law, not sin. As I hoped you were a man of principle and would stand for God and righteousness, like a Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a John Hus, a William Tyndale, a John Bunyan, who would rather be imprisoned and die for righteousness, rather than to compromise God’s law. But todays Christianity is Christ died so I can live for sin and love myself.

You can share this with all congress, I do not care. I chose to live for principle, righteousness and for God and you can send your wolves to arrest me. Read the end of the IRS letter. Too bad the rest of the nation will not stand against this nations evil, like the Founding Fathers.

Thank you

John Marcus

I can see you are ignorant of the lawlessness of Biden’s Administration, DOJ, FBI, Border Patrol, etc.

look at some videos


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