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Do you want a David who was a shepherd boy, who came from small beginnings and came to the valley and found Goliath blaspheming God and His people. This nation needs a David, who knew His Word, Righteousness and would do Gods will. Goliath is the deep state controlling your freedom.  I will come to the valley of Washington D.C. and take Goliath out, not by my might nor power, but by Gods Spirit, says the Lord.. 

Like Rocky to Drago, Drago had the backing, the steriods, but was weak in heart. Like Rocky, I will fight until the last round, something must break in me. No Tommy Gun is going to win the street battle. Mr. "T" can have his victory, but in the end a more worthy competitor will hold the title up. That is the People of the United States of America. 

John Rambo was a reject vietnam vet, and bad things happenned, but look at his intensity to fight, communism, tyranny and human trafficking. I will be that Rambo to defeat the Tyrants in Washington D.C.

  1. I would ask the American people to pray to God our creator, for me to have wisdom, strength and power to do His will. That we the people of the United States of America would return to our Judeo/Christian faith which this nation was founded on. Give God the glory and His Son Jesus Christ his due honor of worship and obedience for His sacrifice for our sins and our salvation. Plus the work of the Holy Spirit to guide us into His righteousness Amos 5:14-15 Seek Good, not evil, that you may live and so the Lord, the God of Host shall be with you. Hate the evil and love the good and establish judgement in the gate (land) it may be that the Lord God of host will be gracious.
  2. That the people would be vocal to know the peoples will of free and righteous living for God.
  3. To build up the Military the way it was to be: to be prepared to fight for the security and protection of American citizens, This means war and enemies foreign and domestic. No more training for CRT, marxism, Climate change and sexual changes. The military is created only for the purpose of securing the nation, not frivilous activities. The Military will always be armed for any emergency, after they have been properly trained. No more Fort Hood or recruitment office incidents.
  4.  I will get rid of Department of Education,we need consistent teaching of English, math, science and History. We will restore greater standards of teaching and cease on the degrading or lowering of standards in education, since this is why our children do poorly in standards across the world. Our children can do better and will want to excel as they are tested, like it is in sports, to be tested to be winners and not mediocre. Public school will be weaned from federal dollars, to be totally local. since taxes in near future will be lowered. School taxes in states should be used for each students education Public, private, religious, charter, and homeschoolers should be able to keep for or used in the students education whatever shool they choose, While reimbursing any public service asked to use, such as using, special classes. Federal dollars will not be used for sports other than for gym classes. Sports and stadiums are the responsibility of the  people in their community. Communities can help each other out. Same thing with extracurrilar things as intermurals, music, competitions. Parents should not have to suppport public schools children and also pay for their own to home or private school. Either take the number of kids and the dollars and divid to each child for their education. Schools will not be given the americans dollars for illegals in schools. The History of this nation good and bad, with the truth of reason of Independence and the constitution and how the government will be run.
  5. I will pass a bill forbiddenning the idea of college debt forgiveness, it fact colleges will not recieve gov’t dollars unless as a loan with interest. Colleges must survive on the tuitions and charitable giving of the people or companies.
  6. Any government workers who manipulate to give the Americans people dollars to illegals or lie on forms to support irresponsible living will be investiagted, lose job and penalized, and imprisoned
  7. We will have a leadership in this nation of integrity, which means, IRS will not be weaponized against its citizens, but first and foremost, audits of all Congress, Senators, Federal workers,  and all people who receive federal dollars (companies). Insider trading will cease and I will sign a law against so trading. Anyone recieving federal dollars will be evaluated and be taught, who’s dollars these belong to and the responsibilty to save them those dollars. Those recieving food stamps and subsudies will be weaned and taught to get a job and how to take care of money responsibly, failure to take classes will result in loss federal help. When the citizens realize the U.S. is responsible to take care of their dollars, they can have joy in giving and not overtaxed. This means any company bidding and getting federal dollars. 
  8.  I will cut spending in this nation 10%to 15% the first year and do so for three more years, and start to pay off debt.  I will veto any bill that doesn’t lower, and can only be passed by a veto proof congress and senate. Then taxes will be lowered again. The gov’t will close without a proper budget and cuts, and non-essential will not be paid for time off. They took the risk of working in the gov;t, Gov’t is suppose to be a service postiton, not a retirement job.
  9. I will pass a reciprocity bill to law, for any state licensed gun carrying citizen, who crosses state lines and cities to protect self, but must comply to local Gun safety and gun laws. We should have a voluntary armed citizenship which can rise to the occasion, either to or from foreign intruders, a police officers needing help or a citizen.
  10. The border will be secured, I will allow Border patrol to enforce the border, People will not pass over the border without first going through a consulate, background check, verification of person, persons and family. I will rotate the Military along the border until the wall is completed and when Border control is assured of the ability to secure it. Drugs and human trafficking will cease. We will even do more proofing of children and adults; and increase searches, so to stop American children or adults who have been kidnapped to cross into Mexico for human trafficking. When i mean secure, I mean it, crossing the border is an invasion and tresspassing, i will use rubber bullets, to maintain security, if persistent, then live bullets. It is my hope in building this nation, America will need people because of manufacturing, who want to be Americans and want to work.
  11. I will encourage U.S. companies to come back. I will work on building an America self-sufficient in all things, oil, steel, auto, food, clothing, etc. so that we can sustain and prosper ourselves, so we can be ready for anything, economic problems, war, etc. A properous nation self sufficient is not a borrower, making us a slave to the lender but we will be a lender. America believes in generousity, since we are the most generous nation in the world. Gov’t doesn’t need to be in control of peoples money. There will be penalities for American companies, who hire Illegals. My hope is for companies to manufacture, and prosper, so to sustain our self-sufficiency and hope to bring legal migration into America, or even touse those illegals who have not done evil, to work as they surrender for discipline and work, but never citizenship but legal access. 
  12. The federal gov’t will cease on Fed HUD, Food stamps, and subsudies, The Federal gov’t is about securing the freedom of American Citizens, free trade state to state, This means healthcare competiton etc, Maintain the one country monetary system of the dollar. Continue Infastructure of commerce so America can succeed. Tha ACA law will be either found Constitutional by right law, or be removed. American citizens are the most generous and believe in helping neighbor, we never needed the ACA law.
  13. DOJ, CIA, FBI, CDC, and all Gov’t agencies will start doing their job, or they will lose their job, FBI has failed many times in investigating people who have been reported to be threats to schools, churches, or synagogues. NO “Gain of function “ research. Fauci and other leadership will lose jobs, for previous crimes and will be prosecuted.
  14. Illegals who forced their way into America, can never become citizens, their children may, after citizenship and learning our language. Illegals who have committed crimes will be deported, depending on ability and circumstances. There are way to many people in this nation who do not speak, english, who have been here for years, they need to speak, read and write english. there maybe a review of all who have receieved citizenship, if there was misdeeds done.
  15. This nation is not racist, we did go through major trials of racism, and people stayed silent to resegregating, and made laws and they are gone, but we have gone to far, with giving points for not being white, this is reverse racism. The nation and companies should hire the best qualified person for the job.
  16. I have never wanted America to be the worlds police force, but since we are, we are going to maintain order, and avoid wars and skirmishes, but if need, all wars and reactions will be swift and harsh, so there is a limit of people lives. Communications is first and foremost but not always, accepted and sanctions will always be harsh. A Righteous nation will stand, We will not support (purchasing russian oil) a nation  who is at war with a nation witch disagree with the war.
  17. I support religious and conscience liberty, the family structure of Father, Mother, sons and daughters. Male and female. I will pass laws for male restrooms and female restrooms only, no transexual, they either have to use proper restroom or separate restroom. Buildings can supply these as they want. I will pass a law, securing the science biology of male and female, puberty blockers before a child can rationally think the process through is abuse. Legal age is 18 years of age and go through it, and must fully change to comply. I will pass laws affirming religious liberty of companies who will not make or buy a special product because they disagree with the purchasers lifestyle living. I do not know companies who refuse to sell their regular products to any person, other than age, because of what they believe any sex, color or religion they are. No male or female can partake in the opposite sex sports, since science proves male and females are made different physically. 
  18. It is one thing to shut down air travel to limit covid or a disease, but to force people to wear mask which never worked, close businesses and keep some open, close churches and allow rioting, to enforce business to close and arrest, while destroying their livelihood, and enabling companies, to take PPP $’s who didn’t need and had plenty of money to support their company. (Newsome) I will not close the work force or the economy for a deathrate of .01%. I trust the American people to do the right thing, stay home when sick and Americans to help each other, this is our Judeo/Christian history and heritage. No more paying people not to work. 
  19. When I leave the job of presidency, I will not take a retirement wage, accept the secret service protection. I will work for a living. I forfeited S.S.I. because I want freedom.
  20. We will allow people to pray and carry Bibles in school, Christians do not believe in forcing people to Christianity, we know God gave each person a choice to come to Him. Americans believe in God fearing morality, to Love God and Love one another as we want to be loved. Creation will be allowed as one theory of universal existence, as well as evolution, and each person can come to believe by rational thought. Teachers will not be forced to call a person by their made up gender or lose a job because they do not believe or made a gaf,
  21.  No dealing with nations and terrorist who disrespect us, want to destroy us. No money, no support, no assurance of protection. 
  22. No Laws forcing mask and vaccines, CDC didn’t tell you take mask didn’t work, need to be changed within a couple hours, should be used multiple times without cleaning, because you breathe molecules, become a bacteria and can breakdown your immune system, making yourself more susceptible for covid. Plus breathing in CO2 weakens you breathing, for athletics. Plus vaccines do not work, if you get covid, that would be a covid shot, like a flu shot with only 50% success. Fauci and CDC people will be investigated and prosecuted to full extent of law.
  23. We will have a free market, Post office will be restructed, even privatized, We will change S.S.I. law to allow people to partake or be released, but any partaking and released means small % return or none. Same with medicare and medicaid. These have been used to burden seniors, and forced many to go to other nations to purchase medications. Americans help Americans. I will renegotiate with all companies producing military equipment. 
  24. The Federal Gov’t is the biggest mafia working with the mafia within the nation, yes even Unions, which have gone too far to burden the companies with their demands, increasing the cost to the Americans purchasers.  I believe in limited gov’t. I will shrink gov’t and place the power back to the American people, Americans believe in taking care of the weak, those not able to help themselves, while giving a lift or hand up with food, clothing, shelter or job program, to raise a person to dignity. To be a fruitful bearer in this nation, to do the same to another. This is how you defeat poverty, release the American to succeed and fail, to be innovative, to hire and build an American nation strong by the grace and strength of God to succeed, So those Homeless, permanently injured, not working can rise from their wallowing to victory in life. This is the American way. We believe all Americans can succeed if we walk in the truth.
  25. A forensic audit of the 2020 election fraud, Facebook, google, Twitter and their stopping of free information to the people. I will pass a law requiring all election be investigated with anamolies, and affidavits, the results to be verified. All people should have to annually register to vote, this would close the door of the dead or those who have moved voting.
  26. An investigation of Gov’t involvment of Y2K, 9/11, climate change, human trafficking, and luciferianism.
  27. Will investigate all organizations which hide or ignore news, or support breaking the laws of the nation. BLM, Antifa, George Soros and others. 
  28. Planned Parenthood will be investigated for selling baby parts, even in the past, they will be defunded federally, since they are a non-profit organization, Charity of the people should be its only means. This will be for other organizations also like PBS, Sesame Street, why should they be getting rich off the tax payer, who produce products for profits. 
  29. Americans believe in America first, because we know to first take care of the adult, who can care for the child, who cannot take care of themself
  30. We need to stop the gang killings in the cities, if cities will not do their job of protecting citizens, then the fed will have to, not with my hope. Each government is responsible to its people. I am against vigilanty but gangs must cease, they must be rounded up, imprisoned, and civillians who have been harmed by them to feel free to testify against them. Caught with a weapon, without legal means will automatically be imprisoned. you will be proven guilty, by video and witnesses. I will legalize, or deputize legal citizens in this nation who have guns, to arrest gang members and we will use prisons, stadiums to educate and prosecute them. Rioters will be rounded up. I will allow the sheriff and police departments to help, with illegals,  I will use the military if need be to quell rioting of destruction. Everything must be done with two or more witnesses. and witnesses will be held accountable if abusing. Cities and/or states which allow lawlessness will be prosecuted, or lose fed funds Those persons allowed to be released blatantly, the fed will find a way to prosecute.This repeat offending must stop. We must have a nation of law and order. If you will not have a fer of nation and justice, I hope you get a fear of god before his judgment on you. We need more men like, Kyle Rittenhouse who chose to help and protect people and property. 
  31. Any one in or crossing the border with or selling fetanyl will be prosecuted for attempted murder.
  32. U.S.A. will not join the New World Order. They believe in the elite (oligarchy) will rule, "we will make the US better, faster, smarter more powerful, we will unify with many languages to one voice, one world government, one economy, and one collective people for our utopia.We will have no more division of religion, divisional thoughts or ideas which are reckless against our New World Order. We will eliminate the weak and sickly, but what weak we consider weak will be our serfs. There will be no more need of God
  33. I want a convention of states,  or congress called to make some proper amendments, such as fixing a max limit of fed income tax rate, or go to flat rate. term limits for legislators, even for U.S. Supreme Court Justices. I do not believe in term limits but since people lose servant attitude and become self serving. 
  34. We as a nation need to deal with homelessness, Any able body homeless person, should not be given free money or food, when they are able to work and support self. If needing any help the people can help, but in the act of love to make a person a fruitful American, Faiths do not believe in forcing to a faith, this doesn’t you cannot share your faith, but nature tells you man must work, birds gather twigsto build nest and find food to eat for self and chicks, so it is with a man. If no jobs, then can move. If will not work, then the people shouldnot enable their evil. then arrest and force to labor and teach how to handle money. Birds kick their chicks out the nest to fly and to the same as parents.
  35. Will not use fed money to support or help pay debt of states who pay illegals to come to their state. 
  36. We need a Iron dome to protect this nation from evil. We need to protect our electrical grid from attack in any means. We will protect the stations and grids.
  37. We will have a human trafficking task force to deal with this evil, Anyone involved will be prosecuted and to the charge and penalty of rape. Forcing human trafficking for abuse and sex is total violation of a childs or adults will, or Gods given right for mans freedom. 

    If you think I am harsh, wait until Christ Jesus comes back and cleans house, He deosn’t tolerate evil in His Kingdom!

    I like Tim Scotts save America plan.

I am not a politician, nor am I a billionaire, If I had Trumps money years ago, 2012 or 2016 I would have run. I am a business man, not rich but poor, because I chose to sacrifice my wealth for freedom, since it is the only way to live, plus I did for God and for a godly Gov’t, which God ordained. Genesis 9, Moses and the law, the raising of judges, and kings was always for God’s gov’t, not their own or tyrranny.

I am like the priest Phinehas who stopped the plague by killing the evil in Israels camp. Numbers 25

I am way older, but Texas had a hero in Audie Murphy, who won battles, and was the most decorated WW2 soldier. 

It would take ten million people for me to run for President. I can assure you, it will not happen, because I know the people are not in love with God and his will of righteous living, or gov’t, but in love with the world, the lust of the flesh, eyes, and the pride of life. Americans only want God to give them the pleasures of their lust. My prayer is that this will change and revival comes, but until each person one by one, chooses God over sin, there will be no change. We have accepted that evil gov’t is acceptable and God’s will. God never ordains evil. God doesn’t do evil, nor condone. It is the goodness of God which leads us to repentance. We must align with God not the reverse.

I need a ten million signatures, your desire for me to run with Email address by Nov 2022, might convince me to do.

I do not sell email, or give away. I believe you give email to person you choose, I would not betray your trust



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