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I Here will explain the difference between Government loving you and Christian love. Government love is impersonal and Christian love is personal. Government is not involved with the person, other than paper work or friendliness for bribes mainly, where christian love is involved and closer to the person, to help, or correct.
  1. God gives the resources for man to produce fruit, to take care of Gods earth. 
  2. Fruit is a persons value, earnings or property, we call this wealth, there is joy in producing, succeeding, winning, having something people enjoy. This is true, in working, making, producing,  entertaining, and sports. You produce something everyone wants, your success is greater and wealth goes up.
  3. Cain produced value with crops and Abel produced with cattle, each one of those products multiplies and feeds the family. Jubal made instruments of music and Tubalcain made instruments of brass and iron. God provided the materials, man used initiative to produce. Who can live without the other? Cain and Abel could, but Cain and Abel could purchase or trade from Tubalcain  for instruments in farming, or cattle, then Tubalcain can eat. Jubal ate by providing entertainment, which anyone can trade or purchase to enjoy that fruit which Jubal provided.
  4. through trade or exchange of money, each one prospers. each one gathers or works so they can have fruit to provide for self and family. everyone produces. 
  5. As the family increases: there is more of a need of land and spreading out. Gen 1:26-28
  6. language, knowledge and understanding is all a part of love as words have meaning and definition. This is why things have a name, or word to described meaning.
  7. Gov’t was ordained by God for what? justice. righteousness. God ordained commandments in gen 2: eat freely but not of one fruit. When God confronted Cain of the whereabouts of his brother, God asked 1st. (Innocent until proven guilty) Cain wouldn’t confess, so God convicted him guilty. Notice Abel was righteous, the righteous do not need a law 1Timothy 1:8-11. Both were born with the knowledge of good and evil from the same parents and one chose evil and the other good. 
  8. as in obedience to God, man has children, takes care of whatever fruit they have and increases in that or multiple fruits, and expands out to all the earth. God gave all the resources through out the earth. Man had only to use it wisely. 
  9.  as man grows old because of death, the elderly live their last years off their increases and transfer it to the kids, and the kids take care of the parents. This is one of the means where another persons fruit helps another.
  10. Because sin and death is in the world, decay steals from the fruit of each person, this can be cancers, sicknesses etc. Where a person takes of their fruit and trades it for doctors. The other taking of fruit is if people make bad choices or sacrifices and lose their wealth and someone gives to help someone in need in exchange for nothing, this we call charity.
  11. It is the very acts of love of why we have hospitals, places for medical, yes, there can be trade of fruit, but someone who is need of help. Every Store or service can be an act of love unless abused for greed.  
  12. Because of love we believe in helping each other, this is why we have organizations called charities, whether they are food cupboards, helping to build a home, a blanket, but love doesn’t allow the capable to take advantage of others charity, that is greed or theft. 
  13. because of sin and death, there will always be those we have to take care of 100%.
  14. 1 Thess 4:11-12, 2 Thess 3:6-11 We are not to be busybodies doing nothing, if you can work and do not work you do not eat, we call this discipline and love. If no work available, then give some work for earning, or the law of gleaning, 
  15. if people wouldn’t work or done evil, then they were brought before the elders at the gates (gov’t) and they made the judgments and corrections
  16. War comes for many reasons, to steal, for payments (debt), for tyranny, for control for hate, whatever, Can it be an act of love to kill another, Yes, to stop evil. Cain took Abel to a private place and murdered Abel. But if done in public, should someone stop the evil. YES! This is why we carry weapons, have law enforcement, and militaries. Notice the close personal help with the individual, where the gov’t police officer may not be able to stop it. 
Notice that most of all these acts of very personal, involved with family, and neighbors. Now each person can choose how their fruit is used, to purchase, or give. they can discern whom their fruit will go to. 
Captialism is each individual produces, either produces the product or works for the producer. If there is a limited amount of need of the product the product will cost more, for multiple reasons, not in major need, not viable for mass production. But when it can be made in mass production because of need, the product lowers in price, and then in competition of different stores selling, the price may go down, or when someone can produce a similiar product. 
When you go to a farmers market, there are many vendors, there might be 5 apple vendors seliing same type of apples, if one sells one apple for a $1, and another sells one for 50 cents and they are both the same, which would you buy? the lesser, but you might buy from the more expensive if you bought it in bulk and there was a cheaper or same rate as the one who doesn’t give you a bulk rate. Part of selling is the service, how friendly, clean and honest the company is.
Crony capitalism is when companies work together in secret to increase their profits, example; four companies produce or sell pencils at a cost up or down of $1 a piece, with a good profit, then the four companies say, "lets increase our profits exorbitantly lets say 200% above the making cost." This is why we do not want monopolies, because one company elliminating competion controls the price. Even Gov’t do this in bribes or incentives by companies, unions etc. to purchased votes of laws, to control the money.  Now another thing happens when pencils have to be given in charity or subsudies by law. The gov’t made the law, the pencil manufacturer gives the pencils and has to raise the price, to offset the loss to the purchaser, instead of the pencil given by the people themselves. This happens, in many businesses, power, energy, phone, housing, it is greatly understood in the medical field where they have to take someone in for medical, they cannot pay, you pay indirectly by $5 bandaids, instead of $.50 where is manufactured fo $.01. You pay it through higher healthcare cost, and then when the government signs more laws, saying healthcare has to provide abortion, birthcontrol, or things a person doesn’t need. The laws make a power grab for the provider (example:abortion or anything) to charge more, increasing the cost of healthcare. 
Americas gov’t was about limiting power because gov’t has more of a tendency to abuse power than to have self-control. Self-control is a moral issue, in Business, you want to make money to support family and be generous, and business can be very personal. The owner of a business sells a product or service and the business, may determine a neighbors demise or situations and decide, to give a benefit in a quote, or sell for less. gov’t can abuse their positions through bribes or pass unjust laws.  When a gov’t doesn’t have self-control the end is sell destruction, like drugs, alcohol. This is why America was built as a republic, of, by and for the people, The people are the boss and would get rid of leaders by the vote. 
Govt was to be personal, then local, then nationally, or bottom up, not top down power, yes we have laws even nationally, but local is the closet to the people, Moses was the farthest away to lead or or judge the people, where the seventy was closer to the people
John Adams said, Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
Good gov’t leads, does not control, Gov’t controls abuse. Example: clear cutting all trees is abuse, while the conservative way is to cut trees and plant. Gov’t by the people says, control the abuse of tree cutting, while opening or less restrictions on the responsibile tree cutter. What happens in bad gov’t is they shut down any tree cutting, and becaus of that all materials made by trees increase in cost, because it is harder to get and find. 
Look at it like a farmer, he has 50 acres of land, to produce his fruits, He feeds his family with it and sells the rest of the fruit for things family needs. and a little fruit left over for emergency, or retirement. The gov’t comes in because of the nations needs and says, we need to take 5% of your fruits. that is ok, and then there is less for emergency or retirement. The gov’t comes again and says, not buying property so you can increase your fruit, and then on top, because the need of the nation increases, they increase the tax to 15%. Now the farmer is losing 15%, loses his emergency funds, totally and all extracurricular pleasures are gone, maybe the music which Jubal produced, and now Jubal can’t make a living because his living fruit is squashed. Now Jubal becomes a person in need and goes to the gov’t. The gov’t has to start a program for all those who cannot live off their fruit. the next year the farmer is told because of the need of saving the nation, must increase the taxes to 25% and still no way to increase property and not only that because nation sees the harm your farm does, limits your acreage use 10%, so now have to live on 45 acres and still pay taxes on 50 acres. Now no charity, no extra things, the tools the farmer needed cannot be purchased or sharpened and he uses those inferior or worn tools to work the farm, making his job harder. Now Tubal cain doesn’t have any work, because the farmer cannot do anything to provide him a resource for living. Now Tubal Cain is on welfare, so another person is on the take and not a producer. Now consider the same process continues and then 6 takers are living off the 4 producers and gov’t continues to take your resources, to almost nothing. Any fruit has been inflated in cost, shortages or none. Now look at your gov’t they do not have the restrictions as the farmer, they have taken and were able to save for their futures. then look at the person who lobbied the gov’t. The lobbiest is the one who told the gov’t the rules, the regulations so to save nation and then look at the lobbiest life, they now own the farms which couldn’t maintain or afford to live off the land, and they are on the gov’t program or now are the laborers (serf) to the lobbiest, making far less. to save the nation from a crisis is done many ways. health, starvation, debt, 
Notice the more fruit they take from the producers, the less the producers have. when the takers or taking exceeds the producers, there can never be enough. God gave the resources, but Gov’t abused to excess or shut it down. 
Instead of allowing people to work, develop oil and gas production since nature provided it. They would rather have energy prices lower for the poor, but who pays the higher price, the middle class and wealthy.
Lets talk about oil and gas, Oil and gas have to be researched, found, and then the process, of proving,  and then the process of drilling, all the while needing permits for each. This means money out of pockets of oil & gas companies. When oil and gas can be mass produced and done with great efficiency. This decreases the cost to the customer. Now what happens if permits cost is increased, price goes up. Now limit the ability for research, proving, drilling and time limit (ten years to five years while takes 2 years for completion so limits 3 years of harvesting instead of 8 years, this increases price also. Now shut down pipelines which allow resources to get there faster and safer than the train. Now the train has to be used and now the train has power over the travel of oil and gas. they can raise their prices, forcing prices to go up. Now think if an existing pipeline is closed, what happens, now the oil and gas has to go by train even more. prices go up. railroad company has power over the oil and gas. Then think of more restrictions of gas and oil. Can’t get enough to fill 100 rail cars anymore and can only fill 30. The distance of travel doesn’t change but the amount changes, and because the numbers of rail cars go down, the price of each rail car goes up. If it cost $500 to make the travel, divided by 100 rail cars is $5, but if lowered by 70 cars, the amount of each rail car cost is $16.66, this has to go to the consumer, so prices rise. so the rail car goes up also. SO when you bought gas for $1.89, now with all the restrictions  and increases you are paying $4.69. Now think about people who love power, it was the railroad which wanted the pipeline closed, then another. and then it was the environmentalist which want it also, but wants to save the world from climate change, who made the lease and permit prices go up and less ability to get it. Gov’t was not to shut down getting the resources, it was to control abuse and then goes to the opposite which is an abuse also. Then you find the railroad was a contributor to the climate change actitivist. 
What an old movie, not a great movie but has some of ideas I share:1937 Irene Dunne and Randolph Scott, "High, Wide and Handsome” Notice the railroad owner (Alan Hale) wanted to control, steal and get all the profits, from the oil company.
USA is mostly crony capitalism, because laws are made to pay for subsudies, like hospitals, food, housing, phones, energy, drugs, information gathering, whether within or out of nation paying higher prices within the product cost, which pays for those who take advantage of the subsudies. This is why we pay more in drug prices in the nation where we can buy them for less in another nation. Your higher price subsudies the drug price in other nations. This happens everywhere, grocery or mechandise stores; a store goes into a lower income area, to provide a service. may have lower price, though cost more, because of shipping, willing to have lower profit margin, where in a more prosperous area, they pay more, even a more profitable margin. The risk of any of this is to be villianized because a company makes a profit. Just because a price goes up doesn’t mean profits go up. When fuel prices are driven higher, normally a company makes a profit reasonable, but sometimes the increase lowers their profits because they are trying to sustain the buyer. 
Small businesses were destroyed because gov’t closed them down and packed everyone into big buildings, who profited from the gov’t control. 
Now with gas, fertilizer and everything costing farmers more, farmers will go out of business. Who owns the most farm land in America and has the money too purchase the farmers land at a major profit? 


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